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Jin Cheng Hua Nuo——Fresh corn
Jin Cheng Hua Nuo——Fresh corn


This is a compact type waxy corn species. White and purple ear, kernels in good order, cylindrical shape ear, relatively long, bald top, good comprehensive impression of appearance, glutinous, slightly sweet, opaque kernel, tastes good, normal color, spring sowing about 110 days maturing period, 3 days later than Su Yu Nuo No.1. Fast seedling emergence, grows well, young seedling with purple leaf sheath, deep green leaf, high output, stable output. Relatively compact plant, about 214.5cm tall, about 103.5cm from ground to ear, 7.1% double ears,  0.3% abortive seeds, 18-19 leaves each plant, good green-keeping ability, mediocre uniformity in the field. Ear about 19.5cm long, 4.5cm wide, 1.9cm bald top, 13 rows each ear, 37 kernels each row, about 35.7g per 100 kernels, 74.5% seed rate, half hard kernel type waxy corn. Observation from field: good disease resistance, good lodging resistance.



Address: Industrial Park, Wujie Town
Tongzhou District, Nantong City
Zip Code: 226361
Fax: 0513-85229618
Telephone: 0513-85668618